台灣生物多樣性研究 Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity |
202010 (22:4期)期所有篇 |
- 評估氣候變遷對臺灣外來入侵植物侵略性的影響 Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on the Invasiveness of Invasive Alien Plant in Taiwan
- 都市野生蜂授粉服務與移動廊道之研究 Urban pollination services and movement corridors for wild bees
- 台灣新紀錄種發光蚯蚓燐微蠕蚓 Occurrence of the Luminous Earthworm Microscolex phosphoreus (Dugès, 1837) in Taiwan
- 臺灣石灰岩廢棄礦區叢枝菌根菌共生關係研究 Study on the symbiotic relationship of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in abandoned limestone mining areas in Taiwan
- 倒卵葉水筆仔與紅海欖苗木於高鹽度和淹水處理下光合作用之探討 Study on Photosynthesis of Kandelia obovata and Rhizophora stylosa Seedlings under High Salinity and Flooding Treatments
- 臺灣產葡萄科新紀錄種植物──三葉山葡萄 Ampelopsis delavayana Planch. ex Franch. (Vitaceae), a new record for the flora of Taiwan