不同農法施作對魚池鄉茶園蜘蛛多樣性及群聚組成之影響 The effects of different farming practices on the spider diversity and community in tea plantations of Yuchi Township, Taiwan
二水人猴交會區台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)族群監測 Population monitoring on the Taiwanese macaque (Macaca cyclopis) in the human-macaque interface in Ershui in central Taiwan
墾丁地區台灣梅花鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus)農損分布與防治圍欄之評估 Spatial Distribution of Crop Damage by the Formosan Sika Deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) and Evaluation of the Deer-Exclusion Fences in Kenting, Taiwan
台北盆地景美溪口全新世早期水筆仔樹林的發現 An Early Holocene Kandelia obovata swamp forest in the Taipei Basin, Taiwan