高雄師大學報 Bulletin of Chinese Studies of National Kaohsiung Normal University |
202110 (34期)期所有篇 |
- 《左傳》人物名字考論六則 The Discussion on Six Characters in Zuo Zhuan by Their First Names & Courtesy Names
- 宋人蘇轍的記病與養生 Su Zhe's Writings of Illness and Regimen in Song Dynasty
- 論王鼎鈞散文言簡意豐、文筆凝煉之形成與意義 Discuss the Formation and Meaning of Wang Ding-Jun's Prose Features: Simple Speech with Abundant Meanings, and Concise Writing
- 學思達教學法對學生創造思考能力之研究──以五專一年級國文為例 Effectiveness of Learning Studious Teaching Method in the Chinese language Course of the freshman of five-year junior college program - mainly teaching in the 108 Academic Year
- 論蔣景祁《瑤華集》之編纂要義及輯校價值──以卷二十二為考察範圍 The Editing Essentials and Collating Values of"Yaohua Ji"of Jiang, Jing-qi-Vol.22 as the Scope of Study