高雄師大學報 Bulletin of Chinese Studies of National Kaohsiung Normal University |
202004 (31期)期所有篇 |
- 從先秦時期商紂事蹟的演變來看戰國楚簡中紂惡的記載 Discussion on the Evolution of Zhou 's Deeds in the Pre-Qin Period and the Record of Zhou 's Negative Image in Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period
- 太宰春臺《朱氏詩傳膏肓》之思想主旨探論 The Subject Research of ''Zhu ShìShi Chuan Gao Huang '' of Japanese Scholar Da Zai Chun Tai
- 江戶語言文獻中「中華」意識的消長 The Vicissitudes of the Concept of ''China' in the Edo-Period Documents-by Contract between Two Books
- 漢至三國漢譯佛經數詞「二、兩」的用法 The Usage of the Two Numerals ''E'' and ''Liang '' in Chinese Translated Buddhist Scripture from the Latter Han to the Three Kingdoms