特教論壇 Special Education Forum |
201412 (17期)期所有篇 |
- 探究教師評量ADHD、ODD及CD疾患之因素結構:探索性及驗證性因素分析 Factor Structure of ADHD, ODD and CD in Children: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Teacher Data
- 探討音樂活動對於特殊需求兒童聽覺處理能力訓練之效益 Effects of Music Activities on Auditory Processing Ability Training for the Children with Special Needs
- 神話在語文與視覺藝術領域的創造力教學運用:以山海經為例 Application of Mythology in Teaching for Creativity in the Domains of Language and Visual Arts: Taking Shan Hai Ching for Example
- 資訊科技融入特殊教育現況與趨勢探討 The Current Situation and Development Tendency of Integrating Technology into Special Education
- 國小特殊教育教師平板電腦之運用現況與需求調查研究 A Survey Research of the Current Situation and the Needs in Using Tablet Computers for Special Education Elementary Teachers
- 概念構圖與自我調整策略發展模式對國小高功能自閉症兒童記敘文寫作表現之成效 The Effects of Concept Mapping and Self-Regulated Strategy Development Model on the Narrative Writing Expression of a High Function Autistic Elementary Student