中文摘要 |
根據美國精神醫學會所出版精神疾病診斷與統計手冊第四版,將兒童期常見的注意力缺陷過動症(Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD)、對立反抗行為疾患(Oppositional Defiant Disorder, ODD)與違規行為疾患(ConductDisorder, CD)三類問題統稱為注意力缺陷/干擾性行為疾患(attention-deficit anddisruptive behavior disorder),簡稱為干擾性行為疾患。本研究主要目的在檢驗ADHD、ODD及CD疾患之因素建構。研究樣本有二,分別來自高雄市國中小112名及286名教師,研究工具採「問題行為篩選量表」(教師版),以探索性及驗證性因素分析探討ADHD、ODD與CD三者症狀的因素結構。研究結果發現探索性及驗證性因素分析均可得到不專注、過動/衝動、對立反抗、違規行為四個因素,本研究結果支持DSM-IV干擾性行為疾患架構和症狀的分類。 |
英文摘要 |
According to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), published by the American Psychiatric Association, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Conduct Disorder (CD)were disorders under the classification of attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorder. The aim of the study was to verify, by factory analysis, the empirical validity of the DSM constructs underlying the diagnostic criteria for developmental disruptive behavior disorders in Taiwan school age children. Participants were 112 and 286 teachers of primary and secondary school students, who completed problem behavior screening scale. The scale was designed to assess teacher observations of students referred for behavioral difficulties. By exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis of teacher data showed a better fit for a four-factor model of inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, ODD and CD, a factor structure in accordance with the DSM-IV taxonomy. The study provides support for DSM-IV taxonomy for developmental disruptive behavior disorders, showing construct validity of ADHD, ODD and CD. |