教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201912 (64:4期)期所有篇 |
- 高中科學班畢業生之追蹤研究:高中學習經驗探討 A Follow-Up Study on the Learning Experiences of Students who Graduated From High School Science Classes
- 縱貫性網路使用行為對學業成就的影響:潛藏轉移模型分析取向 The Effect of the Internet Use Behavior on Academic Achievement: Latent Transition Model Analysis
- 網路品德教育行為準則建置之研究 Development of E-Character Behavioral Standards
- 學習情境中的個人成就目標與作弊接受度之關係:以學業自我效能為調節變項 Personal Achievement Goals and the Acceptability of Cheating in an Academic Context: The Moderating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy
- 國中生內、外在學業希望信念之建構及其相關因素之探討 Internal and External Loci of Academic Hope Belief for Junior High School Students and Their Relationship With Related Factors
- 設計思考融入職前師資培育課程之實施與成效:以適性教學為例 The “Adaptive Instruction” Course as an Example of the Application and Evaluation of a Teacher Education Program Course Incorporating Design Thinking
- 促進中文閱讀理解教學成效量化研究統合:調節變項影響與評估 Synthesis of Quantitative Research on Chinese Reading Comprehension Instruction: Analysis of Moderating Effects
- 成年早期與中期樣貌:全心學習、情緒創造、品味能力及圓滿人生之模型建構和其差異比較 What Does Early and Middle Adulthood Look Like? A Comparison of Structural Models on Mindful Learning, Emotional Creativity, Capacity to Savor, and Flourishing Life