教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201906 (64:2期)期所有篇 |
- 應用字本位教學法對提升初級華語學習者漢字與詞彙能力之成效研究 Effectiveness of Applying a Character-Based Teaching Method to Improve the Proficiency of Primary Chinese as a Second Language
- 問世間「生涯」為何物?臺灣大學生生涯概念原型分析研究 What Do You Mean When You Think of Career? A Prototype Analysis of the Conception of Career Among Taiwanese College Students
- 偽科學信念與科學素養的共存與抗衡─民眾參與科學和偽科學活動之探究 The Coexistence and Conflict of Pseudoscience Belief and Scientific Literacy: Investigate Adults’ Engagement in Scientific and Pseudoscientific Activities
- 師資養成公費制度之歷史探究 A Historical Approach on the Government-Funded System for Teacher Preparation
- 僑生與本地生的目標設定、全心學習、意志力及巔峰幸福之模型建構和其差異比較 Comparative Study on Goal Setting, Mindful Learning, Volition, and Flourishing Among Overseas Chinese Students and Local Students: Comparison of Structural Models
- 大學生健康老化多元創意教學課程之成效研究:從健康覺察到行動 Effects of Multiple-Creative Teaching Strategies in a Healthy Aging Course for College Students: From Health Self-Awareness to Action
- 屆退人員貢獻老化退休準備核心知能指標建構及其對退休準備教育的啟示 Constructing the Core Competence Indicators of Contributive Aging Retirement Preparation Among People Approaching Retirement and Its Implications for Retirement Preparation Education
- 國中教育會考英語科聽力測驗實施的回沖效應初探 A Pilot Study of the Washback Effect of the Incorporation of English Listening Test in the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students