教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201809 (63:3期)期所有篇 |
- 發展「性騷擾防治旁觀者介入課程」及實施成效研究 Effects of a Bystander Intervention Curriculum for Preventing Sexual Harassment
- 以世界咖啡館討論模式提升大專學生公民參與態度及教學成效之研究 Teaching Effectiveness of Adopting the World Café Model to Promote College Students’ Civic Participation
- 聲音光束對特殊需求幼兒溝通與動作發展之影響 Effects of Soundbeams on Development of Communication and Physical Movements in Young Children With Special Needs
- 劍的雙面刃─國中數學科不同成就學生學習組型差異之分析 Double-Edged Sword: Different Learning Behavior Patterns for Junior High School Mathematics
- 共變推理遊戲:遊戲自我效能與後設認知影響遊戲中的焦慮、興趣及表現之研究 Game Performance in Covariation Reasoning: The Correlates Between Gameplay Self-Efficacy, and Metacognition Reflected Gameplay Anxiety and Gameplay Interest
- 教師工作價值觀量表之編製 Construction of the Work Values Scale for Teachers
- 生涯韌力:大學青年的生涯逆境知覺及其因應策略之研究 Career Resilience: Career Adversities and the Effects of Coping Strategies on Higher Education Students’ Career Path
- 未來職業意圖受「情境」影響?以社會認知生涯理論分析TIMSS 2011年數學資料 Is Career-Choice Intention Affected by“Situation”? Analyzing TIMSS 2011 With Social Cognitive Career Theory
- 園藝治療方案對失智症老人正向情緒與福祉效益之研究 Effect of a Horticultural Therapy Program on the Emotional Well-Being of Older Adults With Dementia
- 社會影響與系統特性對高齡者再次使用產銷履歷系統意願的影響─信任、態度與科技接受模型之整合 Effects of Social Influence and System Characteristics on Traceable Agriculture Product Reuse Intention of Elderly People: Integrating Trust and Attitude Using the Technology Acceptance Model