教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
200504 (50:1期)期所有篇 |
- 美國中小學歷史課程標準爭議始末(1987-1996) The Historical Development of the National Historical Standards Project 1987-1996
- 實施九年一貫課程後國小教師數學教學信念與行為之研究 A Study of Teachers’ Beliefs and Behaviors Regarding 1st-Grade Math Teaching under the Reformed Curriculum
- 建構環境藝術教育課程設計與實施之行動研究 Action Research for Art Educational Curriculum of Built Environment
- 讀者角色的轉換—以記號學為教育理論的基礎 The Changing Role of Readers: Semiotics as a Theory of Education
- 學校組織變革之意識型態研究--以一所國民中學為例 A Study of the Ideology of Organizational Change in Schools: The Case of a Junior High School
- 經濟認知與經濟參與相關性之調查研究--以北區商業類技職學生為例 A Study of the Relationship between Economic Literacy and Economic Participation: College of Business Students in Northern Taiwan
- 專科學校採行推薦甄選制對學生來源與學習成效的影響─以南開技術學院為例 Impact of the Recommendation-and-Selection Entrance Mode on the Regional Distribution of Students and their Learning Achievement in a Junior College of Technology: A Case Study of Nan Kai Institute of Technology
- 家長預防子女吸菸措施及相關因子研究~以宜蘭縣四所國中為例 How Can Parents Prevent their Children from Smoking? A Case Study Based on Four Yilan County Junior High Schools