教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
200010 (45:2期)期所有篇 |
- 學校行政永續發展的理念與實踐:以歷史意識為本 The Idea and Praxis of Continuity of School Administration: The Perspective of Historical Consciousness
- 「開放」之後 ,九年一貫課程中教科書的再建構:以社會學習領域為例 The Reconstruction of Textbooks in the Nine-year Articulated Curriculum After Textbook Release: Reconstructing Social Studies Textbooks as Example
- 國中教師兩性平等教育專業發展個案分析研究 The Professional Growth of Teacher in Gender Equity Education-A Case Study
- 諮商與心理治療執業現況之調查研究 Practice Survey of Counseling and Psychotherapy in Taiwan
- 教師嗓音保健知識、行為及自覺健康之分析研究─吵靜地區學校教師之比較 The Study of Knowledge, Behavior, and Self-perceived Status of Voice Health among Primary School Teachers-A Comparison Between Noisy and Quiet School