教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201709 (62:3期)期所有篇 |
- 從教師自編科學成就測驗之Rasch分析看教與學 Glimpse Into Teaching and Learning Using Rasch Analyses of a Teacher-Made Science Achievement Test
- 在職進修教師創意教學自我效能發展之縱貫性研究 Longitudinal Research on In-Service Trainee Teachers Development of Self-Efficacy for Creative Teaching
- 國民中學校長績效責任領導困境與策略之研究:質性分析取徑 Difficulties Facing the Accountability Leadership of Junior High School Principals and the Strategies They Employ: A Qualitative Approach
- 教師參與海洋環境教育專業發展方案的投入程度:關注階層架構之運用 Teacher Engagement in Professional Development for Marine Environmental Education Implied by the Stages of Concern Framework
- 國小教師使用教用版電子教科書之滿意度:以學校地區、資訊素養與教學環境狀況為探討因素 School Region, Teachers’ Information Literacy and Teaching-Related Environmental Factors as Variables in Taiwanese Elementary School Teachers’ Satisfaction in Using Teacher-Version Electronic Textbooks
- 對話即實踐:網絡學習社群專業資本積累之個案研究 Dialogue as Practice: A Case Study on the Accumulation of Professional Capital by the Networked Learning Communities
- 文化品味的軌跡:代間教育與階級流動對文化品味的影響 The Trajectory of Cultural Taste: Influence of Intergenerational Educational and Class Mobility on Cultural Taste