教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201706 (62:2期)期所有篇 |
- 數位學校實踐與展望 Practice and Prospect of Digital Schools
- 數位學習實驗研究品質評估與現況分析:以行動學習為例 Quality Assessment and Situational Analysis of Experimental E-Learning Designs: A Case Study of Mobile Learning
- 線上閱讀研究之回顧與展望 Online Reading Research: A Selective Review
- 取得中學教職的關鍵因素:運用決策樹探勘師資培育歷程 Critical Factors of Becoming Secondary School Teachers: Mining the Process of Teacher Education by Decision Trees
- 應用決策樹探索大學以上畢業生薪資之影響因素 Decision Tree for Investigating the Factors Affecting Graduate Salaries
- 趨向精熟目標與趨向表現目標在提取引發遺忘現象上的角色 Roles of Mastery-Approach Goal and Performance-Approach Goal in Retrieval-Induced Forgetting