教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201603 (61:1期)期所有篇 |
- 圓形複合圖形面積解題學習軌道之教學實驗研究 Teaching Students How to Calculate the Area of Complex Figures With Circles by Using Learning Trajectories
- 凱利方格法在科學教育研究的應用 Application of Kelly’s Repertory Grid Technique in Research on Science Education
- 「沒有孩子落後」之後:NCLB 豁免計畫的角色定位、法理基礎與實施爭議之探討 Role, Legal Foundation, and Implementation Controversy of the NCLB Waiver
- 大學校院理工科系跨領域課程品質評估量表發展之研究 Development of the Evaluative Scalogram for University Science and Engineering-Related Department Interdisciplinary Learning Quality
- 解構哲學之探討及其對審美教育學之啟示 Exploring Deconstruction and Its Implications for Aesthetic Education
- 我國九年一貫課程全民健康保險教材內容分析:以國中小健康與體育領域為例 Analysis of Taiwan National Health Insurance Education in Elementary and Junior High School Textbooks for the Grade 1-9 Curriculum in the Health and Physical Education Field
- 我如何知道我關心什麼?:不同背景大學生的自身技術之分析 How Do I Know What I Care About?: Analysis of Technologies-of-Self for Undergraduates With Different Backgrounds