教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201512 (60:4期)期所有篇 |
- 大學經濟弱勢學生入學及就學扶助政策分析與建議 Expanding Access to and Participation in Higher Education for Low-SES Students: Policy Analysis and Suggestions
- 「師生共同增能」與「學生增能」教學實驗方案促進偏遠地區國中學生知識信念、自我調整策略與科學學習成就之比較研究 Effects of Empowerment Programs in Remote Junior High Schools on Scientific Epistemological Beliefs, Self-Regulation Strategies, and Academic Achievement in Science
- 影響國中經濟弱勢學生之學業表現與中輟傾向之因素:以「脈絡-自我-行動-結果」之動機發展自我系統模式為取向 Influence of Academic Achievement and Dropout on Economically Disadvantaged Students: An Investigation of the“Context–Self–Action–Result” Self-System Model of Motivational Development
- 新移民子女國小國語文學習成就大型評量調查研究 Large-Scale Survey of the Elementary School Mandarin Achievements of Children From New-Immigrant Families
- 國中身心障礙學生家庭社經地位、社會資本、文化資本、財務資本與學習成果之關係研究 Relationships Among Family Socioeconomic Status, Social Capital, Cultural Capital, Financial Capital, and the Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students With Disabilities
- 滴水穿石:某偏鄉國中駐校心理諮商介入方案之縱貫性追蹤研究 A Six-Year Counseling Program for Remote Junior High School Students: A Follow-Up Outcome Study
- 網路課輔中層次性閱讀教學對偏鄉學童閱讀能力影響之研究 Effects of Four-Level Reading Instruction for an Online Tutoring Project on Promoting the Reading Ability of Rural Students
- 線上文化回應教學成效探究:大專家教與原住民高中生之合作學習 Effects of Online Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Collaborative Learning Between College Tutors and Indigenous High School Students