教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201406 (59:2期)期所有篇 |
- 「國中校長多元型模領導力量表」的編製及分析 The Development of a Multi-frame Leadership Scale for Junior High Principals
- 鷹架具體程度對創意發想的影響 A Discussion on Scaffolding Theory and Online Game Design Task Creativity
- 教師手勢對幼兒故事詞彙理解影響之研究 Effect of the Gestures of Teachers During Storytelling on the Vocabulary Understanding of Kindergarteners
- Freire對話行動理論的主體觀點及五個規準 Educational Implications of Paulo Freire’s Theory of Dialogic Action Based on a Subjective Perspective and Five Criteria
- 檔案評量於國中英語教學應用之個案研究 Applying a Portfolio Assessment of English Teaching in a Junior High School: A Case Study