教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
200204 (47:1期)期所有篇 |
- 學校本位課程發展相關問題及其相應措施之研究 A Study of the Problems and Coping Strategies for:School-based Curriculum Development
- 當教師遇見課程評鑑:轉變與成長 When Teachers Encounter Curriculum Evaluation: The change and development
- 多重目標導向、動機問題與調整策略之交互作用 The Interaction among Multiple Goals, Motivational Problems, and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies
- 以教師彰權益能觀點探究學校權力生態---以一所國中教評會為例 The Inquiry of School Power Ecology through the Perspective of Teachers’Empowerment: The Example of Teachers’Council in A Junior High School
- 道德社群之檢視:一所國中校園道德生活與氣氛之俗民誌研究 Examining Moral Community:Ethnography Research on Moral Life and Atmosphere in One Junior High School
- 涵蓋家長之營養教育對國小高年級學童脂肪攝取之影響 The Effect of a Parents’Involved Fat Intake Reduction Nutrition Education Program for 5th Graders