教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
200410 (49:2期)期所有篇 |
- 生態中心論的哲學解析及其在生態教育學建構上的蘊義 Towards Construction of an Ecopedagogy Based on the Philosophy of Ecocentrism
- WISC-III順序與逆序記憶廣度指標之建構分析與應用 Construction, Reliability and Practical Utility of the WISC-III Forward and Backward Digit Span
- 寫字困難學生寫字特徵之分析 Writing Characteristics of Taiwanese Students with Handwriting Difficulties
- 國民小學教師知識取得的可行策略及其障礙因素之研究-以臺南縣國民小學為例 A Study on the Feasible Strategies and the Impeditive Factors for Elementary Teachers to acquire Knowledge of Elementary - Schools in Tainan County, Taiwan
- 當孩子與老師運作的課程相遇-幼兒經驗課程的個案研究 When Children Encounter Teacher's Manifest Curriculum: A Case Study of Young Children's Experiential Curriculum
- 大學聯招考生在選系或選校? Do Students Care More about their Major or their University's Reputation? Evidence from Taiwan's Joint College Entrance Examination
- 大學生辯証性思考與成熟人際關係發展整體關聯之研究:必要非充要 Dialectical Thinking and the Development of Mature Interpersonal Relationships among College Students
- 學生事務專業工作人員工作滿意度相關因素之統合分析 A Meta-Analysis of Student Affairs Profes-sionals' Job Satisfaction