教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
200104 (46:1期)期所有篇 |
- 教育決策權力的正當性:決策倫理及其典範的討論 The Power Legitimacy of Policy-Making in Education: In Discussion with Ethics of Policy-Making and Its Paradigm
- 學校本位評鑑的理念與實踐-以台北縣柑園國中為例 The Theory and Practice of School-based Evaluation - The Example for Gan-Yuan Junior Hign School
- 義務教育階段之弱勢學生的補救教育之調查研究 The Study of Remedial Education for the Disadvantaged Students of Compulsory Education
- 動機、目標設定、行動控制、學習策略之關係:自我調整學習歷程模式之建構及驗證 The Relations Among Motivation, Goal Setting, Action Control, and Learning Strategies: The Construct and Verification of Self-regulated Learning Process Model
- 國小教師對休閒農場提供資源實施校外教學活動之評估研究 The Elementary School Teachers Assess the Contribution of Recreational Farms to the Outdoor Education in Taiwan Elementary Schools
- 遊戲場設計與幼兒使用遊戲場意見之分析 Playground Design and Children's Opinions Toward Their Kindergarten Playgrounds