教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
200610 (51:2期)期所有篇 |
- 主觀能力與逃避策略之關係 Students’Perception of Subjective Competence and Their Use of Avoidance Strategies
- 臺灣北部三所國立大學一年級女生運動分期行為研究 Attitude toward Exercise and Behavioral Stage of Change of Taiwan’s Female University Freshmen
- 大學圖書館員職場學習之研究 Librarians’ Informal Learning in the Workplace
- 知識擷取與社群參與導向之網路專題學習成效及互動探討 The Effect of Group-Interactive Behavior on Acquisition and Participation Approaches to Web-based Problem-Solving Learning
- 性別議題融入藝術教育之統整課程行動研究實例 Integrating Gender Issues into the Arts Curriculum - an example of action research
- 以正向心理學建構情意教育之行動研究 The Construction of an “Affective Education”Curriculum for Fourth-Grade Taiwanese Students
- 原住民國語文低成就學童文化與經驗本位補救教學成效之研究 The Effectiveness of a Remedial Reading Program for Underachieving Aboriginal Students in Taiwan
- 是故鄉,還是異鄉?從東莞台校學生的學習經驗看台商子女的身份認同意象 Homeland or Strange Land? The Identity-Images of Taiwanese Businessmen’s Children as Formed through their Learning Experiences
- 課程概念重建的發展與爭議—兼論其在課程理解典範之重要性 The Development and Controversy of Reconceptualization: the Importance of Reconceptualization on Curriculum Understanding Paradigm
- 臨床視導對國小實習教師教學效能影響之研究 The Impact of Clinical Supervision on the Teaching Effectiveness of Primary School Student Teachers
- 國民中小學教師擔任校外交通導護工作之研究 Elementary and Middle School Teachers’Perception of their Morning and Afternoon Traffic Supervision Duty