教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201112 (56:4期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣中小學奈米科技實驗教材之內容分析 Content Analysis of Nanotechnology Experimental Teaching Materials in Primary and Secondary Schools in Taiwan
- 正向情緒及幽默有助於國中生之科學問題解決嗎? Whether Positive Emotions and Humor Can Improve the Science Problem-Solving Performance of Adolescents
- 揭開日本學生傑出表現背後的秘密:教學研究 The Most Significant Factor Underlying Japanese Students' Academic Success: Lesson Study
- 網路學生出題策略應用於國小古典詩課程其成效之研究 Effects of Online Student Question-Generation on Primary School Classic Chinese Poetry Instruction
- 中學生歷史思維能力之探究:歷史觀點取替模式的應用 Historical Thinking Development of Students: Applying the Historical Perspective-Taking Model