網路專業成長進修環境中學員互動行為與態度之研究 The Study of Interactive Behavior and Attitudes in the Web-based Teacher's Professional Development Platform
七十三學年度大學聯招制度變革對文法商科系排行榜重組與性別「職業隔離」之影響 The 1984 Change in Taiwan's Joint College Entrance Exam, Re-ranking of Colleges of Arts, Law, and Business, and the Decrease in Women's
學習障礙國中學生的智力特質之研究 The Study of Intelligence in Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities
主題統整教學、年級、父母社經地位與國小學童科技創造力之關係 The Relationship between Thematic Integrated Instruction, Grade Level, Parental Socio-Economic Status and Pupil's Technological Creativity