教育實踐與研究 Journal of Educational Practice and Research |
201906 (32:1期)期所有篇 |
- 課綱為本課程設計經驗之研究:以國中教師為對象 Standards-based Unit Design: The Experiences of Middle School Teachers
- 國中社會領域初任教師知覺組織支持、教師同僚共享氛圍和自我效能之關係 Perceived Organizational Support, Collegiality, and Teacher Efficacy of Novice Social Studies Junior High School Teachers: The Problems They Faced and Solutions
- 經濟弱勢學生學習態度與學業表現之縱貫研究 Longitudinal Study of Economically Disadvantaged Student's Learning Attitude and Academic Performance
- 向學生學習:教師建構學科學生知識之個案研究 Learning from Students: A Case Study of How Teachers Construct Their Knowledge of Content and Students
- 離島觀光科系學生人格特質、社會資本與創造力對創業意圖影響之研究 The Influences of Personality Traits, Social Capital, and Creativity on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Tourism Students on a Remote Island