師大學報:語言與文學類 Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature |
201109 (56:2期)期所有篇 |
- 方東美對中國大乘佛教亦宗教亦哲學的基本立場 Thome H. Fang's Philosophical Position on Chinese Mahayana Buddhism as a Religion and Philosophy
- 「苕溪漁隱曰」論蘇軾、黃庭堅詩 “Tiaoxi Yu Yin Yueh” on the Poems of Su Shih and Huang Ting-Jian
- 論東坡詠物詞意象之開拓-以詠梅、詠荔枝為例 A Discussion of the Exaggerated Images in Dong-Po's Object Chant Lyrics-Illustrated using the Plum Blossom and Litchi Chants
- 屠隆之信仰與生命觀-以《修文記》為核心探討 A Study of Tu Long's Beliefs and Views on Life using Siou Wun Ji as the Core Material
- 動物洩露了語法及文化的什麼祕密:中英文動物譬喻詞之研究 What Animals Reveal about Grammar and Culture: A Study of Animal Metaphors in Mandarin Chinese and English