師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development |
201908 (12:2期)期所有篇 |
- 國小教師擴展學習歷程之研究 A Study of Expansive Learning Process of an Elementary School Teacher
- 以關注本位採用模式詮釋教師實施海洋教育之個案研究 Using Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) to Interpret How Teachers Implement Marine Education: A Case Study
- 臺北市國小資源班學生個別化教育計畫設計及執行情形之研究 Design and Implementation of Individualized Education Plans for Elementary Students with Disabilities Who Participate in Resource Programs in Taipei City
- 國立海洋科技博物館海洋教育戶外教學對大學生學習成效之影響 The effect of outdoor marine education teaching at the National Museum of Marine Science and Technology on university students’ learning outcomes
- 質性解題策略教學提升學生解題能力的進展與困難- 以國中力與運動單元為例 Using qualitative problem-solving strategy to improve students’ problem-solving ability: Taking the force and motion unit as an example