師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development |
201708 (10:2期)期所有篇 |
- 建構師資生閱讀理解策略課程模式:階段式學習責任移轉模式之應用 Constructing a Curriculum Model for Pre-service Teachers’ Reading Comprehension Strategies: Application of a Staged Model Based on a Gradual Release of Responsibility
- 閱讀理解策略教學成效之行動研究:以國小中年級弱勢低閱讀能力學童為對象 An Action Research on Instruction for Reading Comprehension of Middle Grade Underachievers in Elementary School
- 促進國小教師摘要策略教學的專業發展 Professional Development of Elementary School Teachers to Promote their Teaching of Summarization Strategy
- 科學多重文本閱讀理解能力之評量發展暨性別差異研究—以核四廠續建與停建爭議題本為例 A Study on the Development of Assessment Tool and Gender Differences in 5th -9th Graders’ Scientific Multi-Text Reading Comprehension: A Case Study on the Issue of Whether to Continue the Construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant
- 教師信念、專業承諾與班級經營效能比較之研究—以國高中新手與資深教師為例 Teacher’s Belief, Professional Commitment and Classroom Management Effectiveness: A Comparison of Novice and Senior Teachers in Junior and Senior High Schools in Taiwan
- 教師專業學習社群知識分享、創意教學與社群召集人轉型領導關係之研究 A Study on the Relationships among Teacher’s Knowledge Sharing in a Professional Learning Community, Teachers’ Creative Teaching, and the Transformational Leadership of the Community Coordinator