師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development |
201406 (7:1期)期所有篇 |
- 面對十二年國民基本教育:精進教學有效學習的教師專業成長方案規劃之研究 Facing the Twelve-year Compulsory Education: Enhancement Teaching and Effective Learning of Teach-ers' Professional Development Program Planning Study
- 整合學習共同體於差異化教學的改革 Integrating the Practice of Learning Community into Differentiated Instruction for Instructional Changes
- 新世代專業教師的省思與前瞻 Reflections and Prospects of Professional Teachers for New Generations
- 實習生自評學習成就、實習經驗、與其自我效能關係之探究 The Relationships among the Self-Evaluated Learning Effects, Interning Experiences, and Perceived Self-Efficacy of Interns