漢學論壇 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
200312 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 高田真治《詩經》初探――以〈周南〉至〈鄭風〉為範圍 On Takada Shinji's Shikyo—from “Chou nan” to “Cheng feng”
- 文學史料的研究運用―以「從清末至五四前期(1898─1919)女性報刊探討女性新角色的開展」為例 The Research and Application of Literary History Documents—with Example of “exploring the development of female's new roles through female newspapers from the end of Ching Dynasty to early stages of the May Fourth Movement (1898~1919)”
- 斗六張立卿漢詩的特色 On the Chinese Poetry by Chang Li-ching at Touliu
- 青樓場域之分析 The analysis of the filed in ancient China brothel
- 早期中國佛教中的「禪」 The Practice of Dhyana in Early Chinese Buddhism
- 日本多久聖廟與儒學 The Takuseibyo and the Development of Confucianism in Japan
- 惡女傳――劉向《列女傳.孽嬖傳》的書寫策略與書寫意識 A Biography of Wicked Ladies: Liu Xiang's Attitudes and Writing Strategies in “Nie-Bi Zhuan”