臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
202203 (31期)期所有篇 |
- 明代馬理的《易》學師承與治《易》特色論析 An Analysis of the pedigree and Characteristics of Ma Li’s Yijing learning in the Ming Dynasty
- 《紅樓夢》裡的悉達多──賈寶玉觀「人生八苦」 Siddhāttha in“Dream of the Red Chamber”- Jia Baoyu’s Perspective on Eight Sufferings in Life
- 康有為「四書注」的詮釋與定位 Interpretation and Positioning of Kang Youwei’s“Annotation of Four Books”
- 從《六韜》與《韓非子》看戰國「游俠」之濫觴與嬗變 The Beginning and the Changes of Knights-errant in Warring States Period’s Liu Tao (The Six Arts of War) and Han Feizi
- 共同體視域中的母德徽音與天人互映──以《詩經‧大雅‧文王之什》為詮釋中心 Emblem Sound of Mother Virtue and Reflection between Heaven and Man on the Community View: Analysis on the King Wen’s poems of Daya in the Book of Songs
- 博山罏變:董若雨《非煙香法》之意涵初探 The Change of the Hill Censer: On the Meanings of Dong Ruo-Yu’s“Feiyan Xiangfa”