臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
201709 (22期)期所有篇 |
- 身體意識、存在焦慮與轉為道用──白居易詩的疾病書寫與自我治療 Physical consciousness, existential anxiety and transforming into the Dharma path─Bai Juyi’s poems about illness and self-treatment
- 清人陳衍《宋詩精華錄》選王安石與蘇軾詩歌探論 Exploration of poetry by Wang Anshi and Su Shi in Song Shi Jing Hua Lu by Qing Dynasty Chen Yan
- 文學改編、視覺隱喻與京劇影射——論白先勇小說〈玉卿嫂〉與「孫白本」《玉卿嫂》的敘事轉換 Film Adaptation, Visual Metaphor and Innuendo of Beijing opera: A Comparative Narratology Study of Hsien-yung Pai’s Novel “Jade Love” and Its Adaptive Screenplay “Sun-Pai Version”
- 楊樹達經籍訓詁商榷六則 Six Discussions on Yang Shuda’s Philological Hermeneutics
- 試由「道之二重性」特徵解析莊子「卮言」意涵 A Tentative Study of Analyzing Implications of Spillover Saying Theory of ‘Duality of Tao’ Characters