臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
201609 (20期)期所有篇 |
- 《易》「卦畫」說 Guahua In Yi-jing
- 清中葉義理派王又樸《易》學析論 The Song Dynasty's Yijing faction in the Mid-Qing Dynasty: The Study of Wang Youpu's Yijing Studies
- 從「天人感應」的思想背景論漢詩的自然意象與其特質 The study on the natural images and the characteristics in Han Shi, from the point of ideological background to "Interaction between Heaven and Man"
- 論《呂氏春秋》與《莊子》思想關係-以養生論為核心 The Study on the Thought Relationship between Lu-Shi Chun-Qiu and Zhuangzi - Centered on Life Nourishment Theory
- 韋昭《國語解》據異文為訓詁考 The Relation of Textual Variances to Wei Zhao's Guoyu jie
- 唯識學「轉依」(Āśraya-parivrtti/Āśraya-parāvrtti)的二種「所依」(Āśraya)探研-以《成唯識論》及窺基《成唯識論述記》為中心 A Study of the Two Kinds of the "Basis (Āśraya)" of the "Transformation of the Basis (Āśraya-parivṛtti/Āśraya-parāvṛtti)" in the Consciousness-Only (vijñāpti-mātra) School-Focusing on the Cheng weishi lun and Kuiji's Cheng weishi lun shuji
- 《世說新語》中所呈現《論語》孔學試探 Preliminary Investigation into Confucianism of "The Analects of Confucius "Presented in "Shi-Shuo-Xin-Yu"
- 孔門儒學2016年北京行小記 Confucius' Thought in Contemporary Expression: A Description of Beijing Journey