臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
201403 (15 期)期所有篇 |
- 論章法包孕結構之陰陽變化──以蘇辛詞為例作觀察 The Yin-Yang Variation in the Conceiving Structure ─ Example of Su & Xin's Lyrics
- 杜甫七律調聲研究 A Research on Tu Fu's Chi Lu Diao sheng
- 墨家生死學 Mohist philosophy of life and death
- 處於江右與泰州之間的儒者耿定向──一個跨越陽明後學分派畛域的人物典型 Confucian Geng Ding-xiang Between Jiangyou and Taizhou─A Typical Figure Across the Boundary of Yang Ming School
- 黃侃、錢玄同《說文段注小箋》比勘 The difference of ShuoWenDuanZhuXiaoJian between Huang-Kan and Qian Xuan-tong
- 甲、金文「廼」字用法研究 Study on the usage of function word “Nai(廼)” in Oracle Bone and Bronze Inscriptions
- 以考古實物探討「三十輻共一轂當其無有車之用」之具體指涉 Exploring the Import of Lao-zi's Words '30 Spokes Come Together at the Hub of a Wheel, the Function of a Wheeled Vehicle is in the Invisible Part' Through the Evidence of the Archeological Material