臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
201203 (11 期)期所有篇 |
- 篇章邏輯與文本分析──以多二一(0)螺旋結構切入作探討 The Logic of Composition and Text Analysis─The “Multiple, Binary and Unitary (zero)” Spiral Structure
- 沒有污泥,沒有蓮花:論《金雲翹傳》中罪惡感情結的世俗轉化進路,兼及蓮花色比丘尼的終極療癒之道 No Mud, No Lotus: A Deep Reflection on “Kim Van Kieu”, it's Guilt Complex and the Ultimate Healing of Bhiksuni Utpalavarnnā
- 《論語‧陽貨》「子曰:『小子何莫學夫《詩》』」章新銓 Rethinking the Chapter Yang-Huo of the Analects: Confucius said, “My young friends, why do you not study the odes?”
- 奇女奇史──木蘭從軍的敘事發展與典範建構 The special woman and the special historical event─the narration of Mulan joining the army and the construction of cultural paradig
- 從「一陽之氣」看羅近溪身體觀 A View of Luo Jinxi's Body Philosophy from “Yi Yang Zhi Qi”
- 日本江戶初期漢字異體字知識庫的建立 The Knowledge Base of Chinese Character Variants in the Early Edo Period
- 智顗「觀心」思想的兩點考察 Two Observations of Contemplating the Mind of Chin-I's Thoughts
- 胡適《詩經》新解對傳統的繼承與創新──以〈周南新解〉為論 The Inheritance and Innovation from Tradition in Shih Hu's Reinterpretation of the Book of Odes─On the Reinterpretation of Jue Nan