臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
200909 (7 期)期所有篇 |
- 七夕節俗論略 The Introduction about the Festival Ritual Customs at “the Seventh Night of the Seventh Lunar Month”
- 台灣三○年代大眾婚戀小說的啟蒙論述與華語敘事:以徐坤泉、吳漫沙為例 Enlightenment Discourse and Chinese Narration in the Popular Fiction of the 1930s: A Study of Xu Kun-quan and Wu Man-sha
- 從語料庫語言學觀點研究白居易詩重疊運用 A Study on the Reduplication in BaiJuYi Poetry: From the Perspective of Corpus-Linguistics
- 不見玉顏「空」死處──《長生殿》的「空墳」世界 Didn't see the beautiful face in the “empty”grave.-The study of the “empty grave” world of 'The palace of Eternal Youth'
- 試論《楚辭》中的水 Preliminary Exploration the water of Chuci
- 動聲/同身/通神──白居易〈琵琶行〉析論 Sounder of ectopia/Foreign body inosculate/Amalgamate spirit: The analytics is about “The Song Of Pi-Pa”by Bai Ju-Yi