漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
202312 (37期)期所有篇 |
- 榮格心理學視域下賈寶玉的自性化研究 Analysis of Jia Baoyu's Individuation from Jung's Psychology
- 教育部《異體字字典》中之互為異體關係析論 An Analysis on the two words are variants of each other in ''Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants''
- 宋人經說與筆記中之訓詁觀念與方法析論 Study of Exegetical Approaches and Interpretation from the Sketches and Confucian scripture in Song dynasty
- 敦煌寫本P.2973B〈詠月詩〉之意象與韻律風格探析 The Analysis of Imagery and Rhythmic Style in Dunhuang Manuscript P.2973B's ''Poem on the Moon''
- 章學誠所論「詩教」研究 Research on ''Poetry Education'' by Zhang Xuecheng