漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
201206 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 荀子與名、墨二家在「名理」方面論辨之商榷 Having a discussion on the criticism of role-identification and rationality between Hsun-Tzu and the nominatists with the Mohists
- 《文心雕龍》「道沿聖以垂文,聖因文以明道」的內涵探析 Wen Xin Diao Long : ' ‘Tao’ by the saints and then show its brilliance. HOLY people use writing brilliance, to express their ‘ Tao ’' to explore the real meaning of this sentence
- 方岳田園詩歌書寫的主題──走出江湖詩派 Fang Yue’s Themes in Pastoral Poetry— Isolation from Jianghu Poems
- 《爾雅.釋詁》同義詞辨似觀念析述 The analysis of synonyms differentiation concept in “Er Ya.Shi Gu”