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Fang Yue’s Themes in Pastoral Poetry— Isolation from Jianghu Poems
作者 鄭定國許竹宜
The pastoral poetry of Tao Yuan-ming is the expression of his attitude towards life and literature, and has become the prototype of subsequent pastoral poetry. In the Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei lived freely in Wangxi, Meng Haoran was accredited to Lumen for a long period of time, Chu Guangxi lived in seclusion in Zhongnan, and Liu Changqing resided in Songshan. They all inherited the pastoral poetry of TaoYuan-ming. In the Northern/Southern Song Dynasty, the poems of literati were strongly affected by Jiangxi Poems. In the late period of the Southern Song Dynasty, poets started to realize that they have to isolate themselves from Jiangxi Poems. Yongjia four poets firstly got rid of the influence of Jiangxi Poem. Afterwards, Jianghu Poems were developed. Fang Yue aggressively developed the styles of poems and got rid of the influence of Jiangxi Poems and Jianghu Poems to establish the prototype of pastoral poetry. The phenomenon was worthy of investigation. His influence was extended to Gongan school and Jingling school in the late Ming Dynasty and Xingling school in the Qing Dynasty. Fang Yue’s open-mindedness enabled him to surpass the restrictions on rhythms of poems. His refreshing, innovative, brilliant, and elegant writing styles made him different from other poets. Consequently, both his writing styles and his status in the succession of pastoral poetry are worthy of subsequent observation.
起訖頁 85-104
關鍵詞 方岳宋詩田園詩歌江湖詩派Fang YueSong PoemsPastoral PoetryJianghu Poems
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201206 (14期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 《文心雕龍》「道沿聖以垂文,聖因文以明道」的內涵探析
該期刊-下一篇 《爾雅.釋詁》同義詞辨似觀念析述




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