道學視野下的船山心性學(下)──以《讀四書大全說》的大學部分為中心 Wang Fu-Chih’s Theory of Mind in the Context of Neo-Confucianism──with a Focus on the Great Learning Section of his Complete Explanations of the Study of theFour Books (Part II)
《人文學方法論:詮釋的存有學探源》自序 Preface to Humanities and Methodology: An Ontological Approach to Hermeneutics
論姜夔詞清空騷雅與峭拔瘦勁的風格 On Jiang Kui’s Literal Style: A Combination of Emptiness and Vigorousness
論荀子「攝美歸善」的美感價值判斷及其審美觀點(上) Xunzi’s Aesthetic Judgment and Perspectives Based on his Theory of “Moral Aesthetics ” (Part I)
從儒墨「積學觀」到老子「絕學」的探討 Confucian and Mohist Accumulation of Learning in Contrast with Laozi’s Extermination of Learning