201610 (496期)期所有篇 |
- 永遠懷念人類的真正闡釋者:康德——歐洲遊學小記 Remembering the True Interpreter of Human Beings: Immanuel Kant--Notes of a European Study Sojourn
- 儒家與中國文化之基本性恪——從士人傳統在今日之喪失說起 The Fundamental Character of Confucianism and Chinese Culture: Reflections on the Loss of the Intellectual Tradition in the Modern Era
- 論孔子仁道的實踐精神——兼與亞理斯多德的「實踐智慧」比較 The Practical Spirit of Confucius' Ren, with a Comparison to Aristotle's Notion of 'Practical Wisdom'
- 《中庸》「生手今之世,反古之道」辨正——兼談孔子尚古思想與「中庸之道」的內在邏輯 A Critique of 'A Man Who, While Living in the Present Age, Reverts to the Ways of Antiquity' in Doctrine of the Mean (Zhong_yong), with an Analysis of the Inner Logic between Confucius' Historical Primitivism and His 'Doctrine of the Mean'
- 論朱子理氣心性說與佛學相關義理之交涉 The Interaction between Zhu Xi's Theory of Principle(li), Vital Force(qi), Mind-heart(xin), Human Nature(xing) and Buddhist Relevant Doctrines
- 論柏拉圖的摹仿與中國畫 Plato's Conception of Imitation and Chinese Painting