白沙歷史地理學報 Baisha Journal of GeoHistory |
201812 (19期)期所有篇 |
- 中古同名地記輯佚中存在的問題──以《湘中記》為例 The research on the Compilation of chorographies with the same name during the medieval China:a case study of Xiang Zhong Ji
- 日治初期屏東平原粵籍六堆空間和辨務署轄域變動 Liu Dwei Organization and Change of the bian-wu-shu(辨務署) Administrative districts in the Pingtung Plain during the early Japanese era
- 殖民地統治下水利自治的可能性和限制──以嘉南大圳組合為例(1920-1943) Abilities of the autonomy of irrigation rights in colonial rule and its limits: A case study of the Public Chia-nan Canal Cooperative (1920-1943)
- 評《出土唐宋石刻文獻與中古社會》 Book Review: The Unearthed Epitaphs and Documents of the Tang-Song Dynasties and the Society in the Middle Ages