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Major Questions Doctrine and the Legal Foundation for the United States Regulatory State: Historical Background, Recent Developments, and Potential Lessons
作者 梁志鳴 (Chih-Ming Liang)
This paper places recent discussions by the US Supreme Court on the major questions doctrine within the historical context of the development of the legal foundation for the federal regulatory state. It interprets recent developments as conservative attacks on this legal foundation, aimed at curbing the ongoing expansion of federal government regulatory authority. The differing positions taken by liberal and conservative judges in this debate reflect not only their priorities—valuing expertise or defending democracy—but also reveal their different imaginations of the sources of legitimacy for executive authority, such as congressional authorization and regulatory expertise.
This article argues that this everlasting debate originates from the inherent conflict between the regulatory state and the rule of law. To consider how our country should respond to this conflict, Part IV examines how Taiwan and the United States handle this issue differently. It proposes further stratifying the principle of clarity of legal authorization by distinguishing among three standards of review: the loose (requiring no legal reservation), the moderate (allowing interpretation of provisions within a broader context), and the strict (demanding direct, explicit, and clear legal authorization). More importantly, the determination of which level should apply in particular cases should be based on how fundamental rights are realized or infringed upon within specific regulatory contexts.
起訖頁 275-344
關鍵詞 管制治理管制國家主要問題原則禁止授權原則雪弗龍順從原則階層式法律保留原則授權明確性原則功能最適理論審議民主理論RegulationGovernanceRegulatory StateMajor Questions DoctrineNon-Delegation DoctrineChevron DeferencePrinciple of Hierarchical Legal ReservationPrinciple of Clarity of Legal AuthorizationMost Functionally Suitable TheoryDeliberative Democracy
刊名 政大法學評論  
期數 202406 (177期)
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
DOI 10.53106/102398202024060177004   複製DOI
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