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College Students’ Learning Motivation and Learning Self-Efficacy in Classrooms and Remote Instruction: Creative Personality as a Moderating Variable
作者 陳怡庭吳清麟
Remote instruction was the main learning option for college students in Taiwan during the Level 3 COVID-19 alert. However, the implementation of remote instruction was relatively hasty and was an unprecedented and serious challenge for both teachers and students. This study explores the classroom and remote learning situations of college students before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, and analyzes the role of creative personality in college students’ adaptation to this learning transition. A total of 375 college students who had received in-person lectures prior to the Level 3 alert and remote instruction during the alert were invited to fill out the creativity personality trait questionnaire and information literacy scale. Additionally, they self-reported the learning motivation and learning self-efficacy they experienced through classroom and remote instruction. The results showed that college students’ learning motivation and learning self-efficacy were higher in the classroom than for remote instruction. Their learning motivation in the two environments were positively correlated, however, their learning self-efficacy was not. After excluding the influence of information literacy, the creative personality, innovation and change, enjoying work, and problem-solving, moderated the relationship of the learning motivation between classroom and remote instruction; creativity personality, innovation and change-seeking, problem-solving, and deliberation and interaction, moderated the relationship between learning self-efficacy in the two environments. Overall, the results indicated that the various dimensions of creative personality have different influences on the relationships of college students’ learning motivation and learning self-efficacy in classroom and online learning situations.
起訖頁 079-106
關鍵詞 創造力人格特質遠距教學學習自我效能學習動機嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎creative personalityremote teachinglearning self-efficacylearning motivationCOVID-19
刊名 數位學習科技期刊  
期數 202404 (16:2期)
出版單位 數位學習科技期刊編審委員
該期刊-上一篇 高中生人工智慧課程學習參與量表之發展與效化




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