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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Entire Agreement Clause: An Enhanced Alternative to Parol Evidence Rule |
作者 |
李其融 |
中文摘要 |
本文旨在從商事契約角度分析完整契約條款(下稱EAC條款)。第二節提供實務常見EAC條款,簡介歷史淵源並分析條款目的。締結EAC條款主要目的在於重現並加強口頭證據排除法則第二命題功能。第三節探討EAC條款效力在若干比較法域的法律政策。不同契約類型中EAC條款可能獲得不同評價。第四節則提供臺灣法的分析。最後第五節總結本文觀點。 |
英文摘要 |
This article introduces the Entire Agreement Clause (‘EAC’) from commercial contracts perspective. Section II provides examples of commonly used EACs in commercial practice, introduces the historical origin and analyzes the purpose. An EAC aims to reproduce and enhance the function of the second strand of the parol evidence rule. Section III conducts a comparative study on the efficacy of the EAC from selected jurisdictions. EACs stipulated in different types of contracts might have received different evaluations. Section IV analyzes EACs clauses from Taiwanese law perspective. Finally, Section V provides conclusions of this article. |
起訖頁 |
110-126 |
關鍵詞 |
完整契約條款、整合條款、合併條款、口頭證據排除法則、證據契約、Entire Agreement Clause、Integration Clause、Merger Clause、Parol Evidence Rule、Contract on Evidence |
刊名 |
月旦法學雜誌 |
期數 |
202308 (339期) |
出版單位 |
QRCode |
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不動產碎片化之信託投資法制研究 |
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