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Red Tape and Perceived Performance: Does Business-Like Management Matter in Taiwan Local Government?
作者 郭銘峰 (Ming-Feng Kuo)王俊元 (Chun-Yuan Wang)丁太平 (Tai-Ping Ding)張亞紅 (Ya-Hong Zhang)




Since the 1990s, new light has been shed on government red tape due to the theoretical development on the subject, and considerable concerns have emerged regarding relevant topics, such as performance. During the same period, studies have drawn a broad understanding about business-like management in public sectors. The literature is full of discussions surrounding the relationships between government red tape and performance; however, scant literature has been published on how business like management, such as strategic planning, contacting out, and performance management, affects red tape and performance.

The purpose of this article is to explore the effects of business-like management (BLM) tools and differentiating the moderating effects on the relations between red tape and perceived organizational performance in Taiwan’s public sectors. This study adopted a quantitative approach and conducted a survey within Taiwan’s local governments. Multilevel regression model analyses revealed three important results. First, the empirical results demonstrate a negative relationship between red tape and civil servants perceived organizational performance. Second, the business-like management, including strategic planning, contracting out, and performance management, are correlated when moderating the relationship between red tape and perceived organizational performance of middle-rank managers in Taiwan’s local government. Among them, the effect of performance management on weakening red tape is most significant among the three BLM. Third, multilevel statistical models have demonstrated that financial autonomy can moderate the negative impact of red tape on cognitive performance as well. According to the findings, the study provides some policy recommendations to practitioners.

起訖頁 041-081
關鍵詞 地方政府中階公務員繁文縟節認知組織績效企業精神管理工具調節效果local governmentmiddle managersred tapeperceived organizational performancebusiness-like management (BLM) toolsmoderating effect
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 202210 (24期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 從威權體制到民主協商治理:以臺北地區防洪計畫為例
該期刊-下一篇 對釋字第785號之評析:以健康權作為加班費核發的依據是否合宜?




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