This study aims at exploring the impacts of globalization on the English translation of Taiwan indigenous literature and the causes of these impacts. Based on the World Literature theoretical formulations proposed by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, David Damrosch, and Emily Apter, this study will, on the one hand, pinpoints the problems of globalization via Spivak’s paradigm of planetarity; and then, on the other hand, goes on to lay the foundation for further discussions by way of Damrosch’s reading mode of World Literature and Apter’s concept of untranslatability. After analyzing the English translations of the works by three Taiwan indigenous writers, the present study will reveal the fact that many translators have indeed not known enough, or been careful enough, about the languages and cultures of the tribes they translated, resulting in Apter’s contention that the translators cannot transform local knowledge from one language to another, which attests to the unamendable losses of translation observed by Damrosch.