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Legal Regulation of Default Rules in Internet —A Perspective of “Soft Paternalism”
作者 謝小瑤尤飛
In cyberspace, default rules, which serve as a “presumed consent” option, reduce the cost of consumers choice and improve the efficiency of actions. While it may also cause problems like willful collection of consumers personal information and further infringement on consumers rights to equality and to know. Under the very situation, different regulatory ideas are being discussed from both paternalism and liberalism. Paternalism protects the rights of consumers in a coercive way, but it causes the dilemma that the right of free choice of merchants and consumers (or users) is cut away. Liberalism respects the wishes of businesses and consumers (or users), but decision fatigue and blind optimism make the good wishes of both sides of the transaction impossible to realize. To break through the problems of these two ideas, soft paternalism might be a beneficial choice. Rooted in the individual independent value, it measures the interests of default rules with the balanced concept of protection and utilization, determines the neutral status of “consent”, establishes the auxiliary rule of “opt-out” to restrict the arbitrary collection of personal information, and gives full play to the complementary and alternative role of information disclosure in the protection of personal information to solve the inequality existing in default rules.
起訖頁 140-155
關鍵詞 默認規則溫和家長主義個人信息保護同意選擇退出Default RulesSoft PaternalismPersonal Information ProtectionConsentOpt-out
刊名 厦门大学法律评论  
期數 202210 (34期)
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
DOI 10.53106/615471682022100034008   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 論行政舉報的憲法依據
該期刊-下一篇 論中國司法實踐中信賴原則法理適用之可能——以醫療垂直分工及其過失犯罪爲視角




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