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From the Eunuch to the Literati: A Study of the Huang Collection of Paintings in Jiangnan
作者 王鈺晨 (Yu-chen Wang)潘星輝 (Xing-hui Pan)




During the reign of the mid-Ming dynasty Emperor Xianzong, his eunuch Director of the Directorate of Ceremonial, Huang Ci amassed an extensive collection of fine paintings. After Huang Ci’s death in Nanjing, his eldest nephew Huang Lin, an Imperial Bodyguard, inherited these invaluable collections. There were many fine works in this collection, among which Wang Wei’s paintings possessed a high artistic value. Huang Lin relied on these invaluable collections to expand his circle of scholar-official and literati contacts. Much of the Huang collection originated from the imperial storehouse, but through a series of circumstances it was displayed in a last large scale exhibition in Jiangnan as an example of the noble “Academy” style (yuanti) of realistic depictions. As for the fate of the Huang collection in Jiangnan, its appearance and obscurity, its preservation and loss all reflect the spread and transformation of these works in the hands of eunuchs to literati. A study of these circumstances further offers some clues as to how this work moved from Beijing to Nanjing, from the palace to the populace, and from northern to southern schools of painting.This shows the change of identity, region and the school of painting.


起訖頁 043-074
關鍵詞 宦官文人黃賜黃琳藏畫Eunuchthe LiteratiHuang CiHuang Lincollection of paintings
刊名 明代研究  
期數 202206 (38期)
出版單位 中國明代研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 俱撰有志:明代河東學派張良知的仕宦生涯與志書編刊析論
該期刊-下一篇 明朝朵顏衛的來源、發展與動向




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