英文摘要 |
The primary purpose of adopting plea bargaining at the ICTY was to save judicial resources and promote efficiency. The Prosecutor could amend the indictment after the defendant pleaded guilty as a result of plea bargaining. Although the accuracy of such a plea was not subject to substantial review, the full trial could be avoided and a sentencing hearing would follow. From the perspective of conventional procedural theory, this practice has impeded the process of establishing the truth. On the other hand, plea bar-gaining has improved the quality of historical record, which is expected to provide the con-sensus basis for reconciliation, while case facts as basis for individual responsibility are not undermined. No matter which theory of truth should be accpeted, the truth must beac-cpeted to fulfill its values. Misinterpretation of sentence deduction and the restricted range of participants will have undermined the acceptance of truth so that the values of imple-menting international humanitarian law and promoting reconciliation cannot be fully a-chieved. In all kinds of consensual criminal procedures, the truth shall be negotiated among a larger group to promote its acceptance. |