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On the Shape and Evaluation of Zhou Yi Wang in the Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty
作者 張素貞 (Su-Chen Chang)




Confucius advocated that "the courtesy and conquest came from the emperor." However, due to the disagreement between the king and the emperor Zheng Zhuang, the second emperor of the royal family was always at a disadvantage when facing the emperor Zheng Zhuang. Zhou Zhen Wang Lianjun attacked Zheng, but lost to Yu Ge. Zheng’s overwhelming victory over Zhou’s coalition forces led to the loss of Zhou Tianzi’s face and the disappearance of the international order. The era of "respecting the king" is gone forever. Many princes no longer followed one by one, and King Zhou Xuan had no power to prevent the royal family from turning down, nor could they prevent each other from attacking each other. "Eastern Zhou Dynasty Records" adopts the "historical romance" method, which in turn reveals the grievances and counterattacks of Zhou Zhenwang, but also ambushes Zhou Zhou’s inadequate thinking and is not good at using people.


起訖頁 023-038
關鍵詞 《東周列國志》春秋周桓王歷史演義章回小說Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou KingdomsSpring and Autumn periodKing Huan of Zhou、novel in chapters
刊名 人文研究學報  
期數 202110 (55:0期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學
該期刊-上一篇 論《龍龕手鑑》正俗體字聲符替換與唐五代西北方音
該期刊-下一篇 楊伯峻《春秋左傳注》考訂六則——以《左傳》隱公至僖公時期為範圍




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