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Philology and Kundoku—the Japanese Reading of Chinese Literature in Edo Period
作者 曾若涵





Tokugawa shogunate established the neo-Confucianism as the government school, which forced some other schools to argue the way of Chinese literature and Chinese philosophy. In the meantime, these Chinese documents they had reading, needed to be translated or interpreted into Japanese form, not only with the Syntax but the pronunciation, so the philology study was also popular in the Edo period. The most important translating method to the Japanese reading of Chinese literature called kundoku(訓讀,くんどく),which composed many documents for us to observe how scholars in Edo period exhibited their ideas of syntax and pronunciation in the kundoku. Therefore, we can understand how the philology and kundoku methods had been changed in Edo period.

There are some evidences which exhibited the to-on(唐音), a kind of Chinese pronunciation which understand by Edo Japanese people, was once recommended by some scholars. However, the kundoku has still kept its traditional way in the end, which means a Japanese people could read Chinese literatures without needing to know any Chinese syntax and pronunciation.


起訖頁 119-142
關鍵詞 江戶漢學江戶韻學經典詮釋訓讀日本漢字音Sinology in Edo periodPhilology in Edo periodChinese literaturekundoku(訓讀)kanji-on(漢字音)
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201812 (32期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 唐通事教材對於古典小說與善書之接受:以江戶時期(1603-1867)《鬧裡鬧》、《唐話長短拾話》、《唐通事心得》為中心
該期刊-下一篇 乾嘉閨秀的才名意識與文化轉型:以駱綺蘭為中心




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